The Current Bulletin

Contemporary Worship

240706 Contemporary

240629 Contemporary

240622b Contemporary with HC

240615 Contemporary

240608 Contemporary with HC

240601 Contemporary

240525 Contemporary with HC

240518 Contemporary

240511 Contemporary with HC

240504 Contemporary

240427 Contemporary with HC

240420 Contemporary

240413 Contemporary with HC

240406 Contemporary

240330 Holy Saturday Vigil

240329 Good Friday

240328 Maundy Thursday with HC

240323 Contemporary with HC

240320 Lenten mid week

240316 Contemporary

240313 Lenten mid week

240309 Contemporary with HC

240306 Lenten mid week

240302 Contemporary

240228 Lenten mid week

240224 Contemporary with HC

240221 Lenten mid week

240217 Contemporary

240214 Ash Wednesday DS4 with HC

240210 Contemporary with HC

240203 Contemporary

240127 Contemporary with HC

240120 Contemporary

240113 Contemporary with HC

240106 Contemporary

231230 Contemporary

231223 Contemporary with HC

231220 Advent mid week

231216 Contemporary

231213 Advent mid week

231209 Contemporary with HC

231206 Advent mid week

231202 Contemporary

231125 Contemporary with HC

231122 Thanksgiving Eve

231118 Contemporary

231111 Contemporary with HC

231104 Contemporary

231028 Contemporary

231021 Contemporary with HC

231014 Contemporary

231007 Contemporary with HC

230930 Contemporary

230923 Contemporary with HC

230916 Contemporary

230909 Contemporary with HC

230902 Contemporary

230826 Contemporary with HC

230819 Contemporary

230812 Contemporary with HC

230805 Contemporary

230729 Contemporary

230722 Contemporary with HC

230715 Contemporary

230708 Contemporary with HC

230701 Contemporary

230624 Contemporary with HC

230617 Contemporary

230610 Contemporary with HC

230527 Contemporary with HC

230520 Contemporary

230513 Contemporary with HC

230506 Contemporary

230429 Contemporary

230422 Contemporary with HC

230415 Contemporary

230408 Holy Saturday Vigil

230407 Good Friday DS4

230406 DS4 with HC

230401 Contemporary

230329 Lenten Midweek

230325 Contemporary with HC

230322 Lenten Midweek

230318 Contemporary

230315 Lenten Midweek

230311 Contemporary with HC

230308 Lenten Midweek

230304 Contemporary

230301 Lenten Midweek

230225 Contemporary with HC

230222 Ash Wednesday DS4 with HC

230218 Contemporary

30211 Contemporary with HC

230204 Contemporary

230128 Contemporary

230121 Contemporary with HC

230114 Contemporary

230107 Contemporary with HC

221231 New Years Eve

221224 Christmas Eve 5

221224 Christmas Eve 7

221224 Christmas Eve 9

 221221 Advent DS4

221217 Contemporary

221214 Advent DS4

221210 Contemporary with HC

221207 Advent DS4

221203 Contemporary

221130 Advent DS4

221126 Contemporary with HC

221123 Thanksgiving Eve